South Texas Initiatives

STI Apprenticeship Programs connects career seekers, employers, and education partners. Discover apprenticeships and how to become an apprentice.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has a program called the Office of Apprenticeship (OA) that provides oversight and support for apprenticeship programs in various industries, including construction. Apprenticeship programs in the construction trades typically involve a combination of on-the-job training and related classroom instruction, and can lead to a journey-level status in a particular trade. The DOL works with employers, industry associations, and other partners to develop and register apprenticeship programs that meet national standards for quality and safety.

The DOL's OA also provides funding, technical assistance, and other resources to support apprenticeship programs, and helps to promote apprenticeship as a viable career pathway for individuals seeking to enter or advance in the construction trades. The program is open to all individuals regardless of their background, and through the program, apprentices can earn while they learn, gain valuable skills and experience, and work towards industry-recognized credentials.

Apprenticeship Registration Form

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307 E. Railroad Street Office 104
Weslaco, Texas 78596